My first WOW in a long time..
OK.. I've not had "wow" moments in a *long* time. But I had one today.
I've been doing a walk to jog program. It builds up time jogging with walking in between for rest.
Today, I was able to jog for 3 minutes at once.. not just one time, but twice!
The schedule was 5 min warm-up, 90 sec jog, 90 sec walk, 3! min jog, 3 min walk, 90 sec jog, 90 sec walk, 3! min jog, and 3 min walk. And I DID IT!
Sorry, I'm just really surprised. I could have not gone today because I have a *really* bad headache (AF, meet storm system coming through) but I forced myself to go and I did well :-)
(back to your regularly scheduled posts..)
OMG I got tired just reading about you doing that!! lol IT'S GREAT!!!! You keep it up!!
Kiss little Daniel man for me!!! I never got to tell you how big of a pleasure it was meeting you at Perkins and being able to snuggle him!!
Take Care and keep up the WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW'S!!
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!">:
